Beyond family influences: Admission to humanities departments at an elite university in China
Capital; field; habitus; humanities; elite university; higher education admissionAbstract
Most of the current research on higher education admission and major selection in Western contexts emphasises the role of family capital. This paper, based on interviews of students at a prestigious university in China, reveals that capital from families is not the key driver of studying humanities at elite universities. Beyond family influences, this study emphasises the Chinese public education system as a field offering situational facilitators, including teachers, peers, and standardised tests, which enhance academic advancement while mitigating the effects of capital. In addition, elite students’ individual traits, such as valuing learning, identifying disciplinary preferences, and adhering to institutional training, contribute to the formation of a habitus conducive to competency in humanities admissions at top universities. Overall, this study enriches the understanding of elite higher education admission in China and calls for attention to public investment in promoting educational equity.
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