Heuristic question sequence generation based on retrieval augmentation


  • Zhihao Yang School of Software & Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, P. R. China
  • Zhengzhou Zhu School of Software & Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, P. R. China


Heuristic education, question sequence generation, personalized knowledge path, large language model; retrieval-augmented generation


Traditional education and many intelligent tutoring systems still focus on one-way indoctrination and lack the cultivation of students' independent learning abilities. This article innovatively applies artificial intelligence to Socratic Method, guiding students to solve problems independently through a series of questions rather than direct answers. The main contributions include: (1) A personalized knowledge path planning algorithm is designed, using Q-matrix and student test records to update students' knowledge mastery. Combined with graph database, Dijkstra algorithm is used to construct knowledge paths. (2) We utilized retrieved knowledge path and modified Least-to-Most Prompting to guide GLM-4 to generate orderly and controllable question sequence. We also design an interactive algorithm to help students think about the answers themselves by interacting with them. (3) A heuristic question sequence generation system to promote students through chapter tests and question answers Self-learning. Experiment and user study show that the efforts made by this paper in retrieval augmented generation have a positive effect on improving the effect of question sequence generation.

Cited as: Yang, Z., Zhou, Z. (2024). Heuristic question sequence generation based on retrieval augmentation. Education and Lifelong Development Research, 1(2): 72-81. https://doi.org/10.46690/elder.2024.02.03


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