How leaders’ empowering behavior influences teacher’s positive voice behavior: the mediating role of self-efficacy and burnout
Delegative leadership, positive voice behavior, self-efficacy, burnoutAbstract
This study examines the psychological process by which delegative leadership affects subordinates' positive voice behavior in the context of educational management. The theoretical model proposes that teachers' self-efficacy and burnout mediate the relationship between school managers' empowering behavior and teachers' positive voice behavior. Based on 351 samples from primary schools in Shenzhen, China, the findings support the mediating role of teachers' self-efficacy in partially explaining the effect of school managers' empowering behavior. This study elucidates the psychological process through which delegative leadership influences teachers' positive voice behavior and provides practical suggestions for school leaders/managers to deepen their understanding of how to help employees express their opinions in organizations.
Cited as: Liang, A., Wu, S., Xiao, S., Wen, T., Nkansah, J. (2024). How leaders’ empowering behavior influences teacher’s positive voice behavior: the mediating role of self-efficacy and burnout. Education and Lifelong Development Research, 1(2): 82-91.
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