Exploring first-year engineering students’ learning strategies and academic performance


  • Shaoan Zhang Department of Teaching and Learning, College of Education, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 89154, USA
  •  Qingmin Shi Office of Decision Support, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 89154, USA
  • Tiberio Garza Department of Counseling, Recreation, and School Psychology, College of Arts, Sciences, and Education, Florida International University, Miami 33199, USA
  • Chengcheng Li Faculty of Foreign Languages, The Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China


First-year engineering students, first-year experience, learning strategies academic performance, Learning and Study Strategies Inventory


This study investigated the learning strategies of 450 U.S. engineering freshmen and their academic performance. Paired-samples t-tests indicated significant improvements in learning strategies, with higher mean scores on the post-survey compared to the pre-survey, except for the attitude subscale. Variation in two subscales, selecting main ideas and test strategies, was observed among demographic groups. Pell, first-generation, racially minoritized, and female students initially reported lower levels of learning strategies, but these differences diminished in the post-survey. Hierarchical linear regression analyses revealed learning strategies related to (coping with) anxiety and motivation significantly predicted academic performance, with effective anxiety management and higher motivation scores associated with better academic performance. This study provides insights into the learning strategies employed by first-year engineering students and their relationship with academic performance. It highlights the potential for improvements in these strategies over time and how they vary among different demographic groups.

Cited as: Zhang, S., Shi, Q., Garza, T., Li, C. (2024). Exploring first-year engineering students’ learning strategies and academic performance. Education and Lifelong Development Research, 1(2), 58-71. https://doi.org/10.46690/elder.2024.02.02


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